You already know about the connection between skin health and nutrition. It turns out that you can eat delicious foods and not worry about acne. Read about which products will help improve the quality of your skin here!

Every girl takes care of the condition of her skin: masks, peelings and other care. However, for the most part, the radiance and health of the face comes from within and depends on nutrition: lots of green vegetables, fish, nuts.
But what if we told you that you can happily eat popcorn, chocolate and sushi and still have glowing skin? Are you surprised? Then read a selection of unusual but healthy products and don’t deny yourself any more goodies 😋
Those with a sweet tooth, you can rejoice, because you no longer have to deny yourself a treat! As you know, the skin suffers from sun rays. She ages faster and wrinkles appear.
Therefore, it is necessary to apply sunscreen, avoid solariums, and do not sunbathe on the beach. However, you can eat this sweetness and improve the body’s protection from ultraviolet radiation!
It turns out that chocolate contains flavonoids, which strengthen the ability to cope with sun dama
Good news for those who love desserts or cinnamon baked goods! This product is beneficial for the skin as it contains proanthocyanidin.
This enzyme stabilizes the production of collagen and elastin in the body. In simple words, cinnamon helps fight against aging skin and makes it firm.
ge. Cosmetologists recommend dark chocolate, because milk or white chocolate contains so much sugar that it neutralizes any positive effects of cocoa.

The condition of the skin is directly related to nutrition, which should, first of all, be varied. The body needs carbohydrates and polysaccharides, more complex carbohydrates.
Many of these compounds are found in algae. For example, in nori, which is used in Japanese cuisine. So another reason to order sushi and rolls today 🍣

Surprisingly, popcorn is rich in a number of health benefits. It starts metabolism, fights against the effects of stress on the body, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
That’s not all: corn balls contain a powerful antioxidant – polyphenols, which means they maintain skin tone and youthfulness! It is best to cook popcorn at home in a frying pan without oil.
This way, a large amount of vitamins and minerals will not be lost during frying. And yes, if you want a healthy snack, then you will have to forget about caramel or cheese topping.

You can experience the real taste and benefits of the sauce only by preparing it yourself. The classic recipe consists of sunflower or olive oil, mustard, lemon juice, egg yolk, vinegar, spices and herbs.
This mayonnaise contains the largest amount of B vitamins. It protects against stress and improves liver function. Of course, this affects the condition of the skin: it will become cleaner, and acne will gradually go away. Homemade sauce can be safely added to any salad!
“Lard is too fatty and will definitely harm your figure” – a myth! It’s difficult to recover from it, because you won’t be able to eat a lot, but it will 100% benefit the skin.
Lard is rich in beauty vitamins – A, E and D. They, in turn, are responsible for the radiance and elasticity of the skin. This is a great product for those who care about health and don’t mind eating salty foods!
Green tea

Those who like to wrap themselves in a blanket with a hot drink while watching a movie will love this useful product! Despite the belief that it contains more caffeine than coffee, real green tea maintains body and skin tone.
A component found in all plants, polyphenol, is responsible for the synthesis of collagen, thereby increasing firmness and smoothness. We recommend that you don’t hesitate to take care of your skin and have a pleasant evening with a cup of tea today.