The period of time between Samhain and Yule is called the Timeless Period.
This is a time of pause, silence, and the transition of the world itself to another quality. It is no longer autumn, but not yet winter. This time is often difficult for us. Samhain has raged, November has begun — a month that carries heavy thoughts and a bad mood on its dark wings for many.
This is the month of the transition from autumn to winter, and we seem to be stuck on this border, coming face to face with the darkness into which our world has plunged, and the creatures that live in this darkness.
What is meant when they say that our world has plunged into darkness? From the point of view of ancient Celtic ideas about the Wheel of the Year, the sun that illuminates our world dies every year and is born again, pure and young.
The sun leaves us on the day of the autumn equinox — September 21-22, and returns on the day of the winter solstice — the night from December 21 to 22.
It turns out that our world is plunged into darkness for a little over two months. But if after the equinox the Night of the Year is not felt so keenly, and all of October we still enjoy the gold of autumn and finish harvesting our crops, then after Samhain, when the gates of the world of spirits and the dead are wide open, the shadow side of the universe is clearly felt.
The period after Samhain and before Yule/winter solstice is called the period of Timelessness.
This time is a pause and silence, when the old work is already completed, and there is no strength for new work. This is the time of spirits and the Wild Hunt, when the otherworldly comes into contact so easily, and on the everyday plane hopes are dashed, old quarrels are exacerbated and connections are broken.
But, as they say, nature has no bad weather, so the Wheel of the Year has no periods that would be 100% destructive and unhelpful for a person. If you know the leading theme of the period, you can easily come out of it without losses and with new experience.
Safety precautions during the period of timelessness
Each period of the year has its own main theme and focus, and if you want to grow into the annual cycle, fit into it, it makes sense to follow the theme of the periods changing within it.
This is not at all difficult, because for a person, in general, it is natural to follow nature in their spiritual impulses. You are familiar with this from the autumn blues, for example. But let’s talk about how to usefully spend the dangerous and such a mysterious period of Timelessness.
Feed the inner monster
November and part of December are the time of spirits and monsters, including those who live at the very bottom of the human soul. This is a great time to work with your shadow aspect.
However, you should only do this if you are ready to honestly and directly admit to yourself your shortcomings and socially unapproved qualities. Find them, look them in the eye and accept them.
There is no need to try to fill your shadow with light. The idea is obviously a failure and will not benefit the versatility of your character.

Don’t start quarrels
In November, we get stuck on the thin line between autumn and winter, the inner and outer worlds. Being on the line is always very difficult, and now is the height of seasonal depression.
Silt rises from the bottom of the soul every now and then, and you really want to express your pain, resolve an old quarrel, sort things out with loved ones. You shouldn’t do this.
Remember that your opponent’s own silt rises in his soul, and by going into conflict, you will once again expand the territory of both your and his swamps.
If the offense and pain caused to you by another person has become so acute that it is unbearable to remain silent — write about it, speak into a dictaphone, this will help to create an imitation of a conversation that took place and postpone an important conversation for a later time. Let the passions subside.
Be in silence
Timelessness is a period of pause and silence. This is a great time to give your brain a break, to clear your mind of garbage. The practices of silence, stopping the internal dialogue and meditation will help you with this.
Try to be alone with yourself more often during this period and reduce, at least a little, communication with other people, in order to get the opportunity to look inside yourself.
Learn to protect yourself
We are not talking about setting up various kinds of magical protection. The time for these rituals has already passed, and it is useless to start them now if you have not taken care of them in advance.
But since after Samhain, as we have already said many times, the inhabitants of darkness have an exacerbation, it is useful to learn to show your own fangs and teeth if someone openly disturbs your peace, no matter whether a person or a spirit.
I do not urge you to feed the fire of conflicts and be rude, but it is very important at this time to respond competently to the violation of your boundaries; as well as the awareness of these very boundaries.
Act silently
Try not to talk too much about your plans and actions during this period. Plan and do silently, do not brag about the results obtained.
Remember that November is the time of the Wild Hunt, which destroys all the harvest that is not collected on time. Do not attract the attention of the Unseelie Court with a boisterous celebration of successes. They will swoop down and take it away.
Do no harm
When you feel bad, you just want to do something nasty to someone. From stepping on someone’s foot in the subway to putting a curse on an ex-lover.
Before you get down to business, think about whether you are ready for what will fly in response to your action. And it will fly in 100%: such is the time.
Pay attention to dreams
Dreams of the border period often carry important information. From beyond the edge, your guardian spirits may come with advice or a sign, deceased ancestors, significant images from the Universe, etc.
Your own consciousness, at this time, may also speak to you in dreams a little louder than usual. Don’t miss it.
1 comment
Fascinating. Here in south India we do not have a winter. We have summer and the monsoon season is from June to October. Now it is dark by 6.30. We don see other changes. The leaves remain green. Thank you for this post. I got a glimpse of a different life.