Tomorrow, August 4, we meet the last moon of summer.
The Moon of Coins, the Lucky Moon, the Generous Moon, the Mouse Moon will rise in the sky in three black moon days.
August is a generous, kind, sunny month of harvest, full bins, the beginning of fairs; a month rich in holidays, when we praise our gods for their generosity, thank for the abundant summer and ask for a warm autumn and a mild winter.
The whole theme of the lunar month is also about the same. The key direction of magic is reflected in the name of the moon — this is the time when we cast spells for wealth and prosperity.
Time of transition – this moon closes summer and opens autumn — always a good period for summing up (including intermediate, mid-year) and planning work for the new season, time to finish summer affairs and tune in to a different pace, a different feeling.
Time to take off your summer dress and get ready to meet yourself as a different, autumnal one.
The solar power is still strong — we stock up on the energy of the sun, charge amulets, crystals, candles that will warm us and fill us with light during the long winter.

We meet the days of the New Moon in Leo.
Leo is responsible for leadership qualities, going out into the world, entertainment and a social lifestyle, so it will be appropriate not only to have a good time at a party, but also to somehow declare yourself, your ambitions.
Well, the golden fire sign is traditionally associated with wealth, so magic for financial growth will come in handy.
🌙 the time of the black moon (also called the days of Hecate) this month — August 3, 4, 5 — are well suited for magic for deliverance: we carry out short-term cleansing, write lists of what we want to get rid of, burn on the altar fire;
🌙 in addition to the above, on black moon days it is better not to start something new, not to overexert yourself, save your strength, pay close attention to your health;
🌙 on the first day of this period we sum up and let go of the past month, the second day is the New Moon itself — a time of reflection and introspection, when we listen to ourselves, our intuition, the voice of the gods and the world, trying to understand where the chosen path leads us, and the third day is a time of plans and beginnings of the new lunar month.
🌙 we work with the elements of fire and air, the altar can be decorated with symbols of the elements;
🌙 a good time to start a notebook of desires” — and do not forget to update it every first lunar day;
🌙 you can cleanse the energy of the house without magical rituals, using a simple cleaning method: clean the house, and then bathe yourself — the growing moon will fill the house cleaned on the New Moon with prosperity;
🌙 to attract cash flows, do not forget to show the new moon (when it has already visibly appeared in the sky) money: open your wallet somewhere on the balcony, by the window or on the street (so that the moon can see us) and transfer bills and coins from one section to another.
A simple but effective ritual that will work better the more regularly you perform it.
Happy lunar month to everyone, be blessed!