In the coming days, it is worth putting all your efforts into restoring mental balance.

Tarot card of the week January 29 – February 4 – Strength
This week, the best thing you can do is listen to yourself and discover deep harmony within.
If you have discovered a habit that you would like to “tame” – be it smoking, scrolling your feed on social networks or the habit of staying up late, this week is a good time to take control of your life and make significant changes to it.
You will see impressive results immediately. By acting gently, with love, and feeling your inner strength, you can achieve the fulfillment of your desires.
It will be much faster to achieve any achievements this week not through aggression, denial of the problem or dramatization of it, but with the help of determination and inner rightness.
In the coming days, you can count on your strengths, give it your all, work with passion and even take risks if you have a burning passion for your work.
Conduct business on a grand scale: thanks to this approach, you will get at least pleasure from your work, and at maximum, the highest realization of your creative inclinations. Bring creativity to your daily tasks and your work week will be as bright as possible.
In your personal life, there is an opportunity to experience fiery feelings, especially if you consciously approach relationships – with complete dedication and wisdom.