❃ It is very important to stay hydrated. Fill pitchers with spring water, add a few sprigs of herbs such as rosemary, thyme or lemon balm, a couple of strawberries or thin fresh lemon or orange slices and plenty of ice.
Sip this drink throughout the day. In summer, herbal teas are very hydrating and delicious, especially when served chilled, sprinkled with fresh mint and thin citrus slices.
❃ If possible, take a nap in the middle of the day, when the summer heat is at its peak. You don’t have to fall asleep, but you should lie down in a cool place for at least 20 minutes and allow your body to completely relax, which is no less beneficial than sleep.
It would be better if you can lie down on the grass under a tree – in the sun but in the shade – to let Mother Nature lull you into her gentle embrace.
❃ No matter how busy you are, take the time to stop, breathe deeply, and pay attention to what’s happening in nature around you, to take in the lazy hum of bees, the intoxicating scent of a neighbor’s rose garden, or just the bright blue of the sky above.
❃ Remember what it was like as a child, when you could play outside all day in the summer. Make time in your life for play and the simple pleasures your heart desires. Weave daisy wreaths, build wobbly sand castles, spend hours reading books under a quiet old tree.
❃ Eat outside when possible, and eat simply. In the summer, our bodies need fresh and easily digestible foods, so be sure to add plenty of fruits, vegetables, and aromatic herbs to your menu.

❃ Unplug from your phone, computer, and social media for at least most of the day: I promise the world will still function, and you’ll have a chance to rest and recharge without constant outside interference.
❃ Learn to set boundaries and say no to people and things that drain your energy (we all need to do this at any time of year).
By creating healthy boundaries, we protect our own needs and emotional demands without denying others theirs, and we build better relationships.
❃ Think about what you’re grateful for this summer: people, places, smells, tastes, experiences. Reflect on them and praise all the good and positive things in your life. This will be especially powerful if you’re currently stuck in a rut of self-pity or feeling like life is passing you by.
❃ If possible, start each summer day with a sunrise; Light a candle and jasmine or rose incense, hold a small rose quartz crystal (it promotes emotional healing and clarity, opening us to love and positivity). As you watch the sky brighten, say:
I know that this day will be beautiful, joyful, and blessed – not just for me, but for everyone around me on this green, wonderful earth. Love surrounds me, and I give love to myself and to all that exists.