We check with the stars so that we don’t inadvertently make an expensive purchase during Mercury retrograde or find out when Venus will begin its retrograde movement, and be ready to meet with former partners.
However, astrology can not only warn, but also help. For example, in fulfilling cherished desires and setting goals.
Of course, it’s all up to you, but if you have big plans for the New Year, why not take advantage of the stellar way to get them into action as quickly as possible?
Asceticism is the voluntary infliction of discomfort on oneself through dietary restrictions, physical or intellectual stress. The duration of this challenge is 30 days. You test your willpower and character, and in return you get what you want.
Examples for asceticism:
- 100 squats daily
- Yoga in the morning
- Breathing practices
- Refusal of sweets
- 100 book pages per day
- 1 hour of foreign language classes
- Early rise
- 10,000 steps

If it is easy and simple for you, even pleasant, this is not asceticism. For example, it is difficult to classify meditation as a topic of discomfort. But finding time and energy for physical activity every day is already asceticism.
Make the task more difficult. It is important to feel internal resistance and overcome it. It’s a kind of fight with your brain. He is sure that everything is over, there is no strength, will and time. But in fact there is.
All the energy that you put into fulfilling your asceticism will go directly to the realization of your desire. You will feel it yourself.
Space and your brain will begin to search for and attract the right opportunities. And performing asceticism will be perceived as a challenge with yourself, and not as a diet, training or obligation.
Asceticism is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, restrictions and perseverance. A strong Saturn helps a person overcome all difficulties and reach the pinnacle of his realization. Weakness provokes laziness, absent-mindedness, and softness.
So in the birth charts of billionaires you can see the powerful Saturn in aspects with Jupiter and Pluto. Therefore, performing asceticism pumps up the energies of Saturn in your natal chart and helps you in any achievements.
And asceticism also shows how strong and strong-willed you are. Many people, when performing asceticism, see the true strength of their personality and begin to believe more in their success.
Instructions for performing asceticism
Write in notes in your phone or diary:
“I (full name) and your wish in the present tense, as if it had already come true.”
For example, “I (full name) receive/earn/meet ……. in 2024.”
Theoretically, a wish can be fulfilled within 90 days (we are making plans not for the distant future, but for the near future).
Perform penance every day for 30 days. Mark your progress daily in your calendar or your personal tracker with a tick. You should see how many days you have already lasted and how many more are ahead.
After completing asceticism, you will feel euphoria from your willpower, delight from your personal achievement. After all, there was no coach standing over you, no one was controlling you. You will be convinced of your true strength and discipline.
After 30 days, thank yourself for your determination and believe that your wish will soon come true. The universe is abundant, and there are many options in it for how to implement your request.
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