The Daily Witch is not only for women and witches. It is a place for everyone who wants to find themselves in this world, who wants to live in harmony with nature and hear the voice of their intuition.
It is a place for safety and comfort. A place for new knowledge and inspiration. Here we can be children who do not want evil and wars. Here we can be ourselves.
Sometimes, when I forget why I do all this, I just come here, look at all these and smile.
I remember that there are many people in the world — creative, bright, real. And this helps me move on, helps me not to give up.
I hope you will also find here what you are looking for.
Because magic is what surrounds us: the rustling of leaves, the murmur of rivers, the smell of freshly baked bread, the singing of birds, the careful steps of deer in the thicket, the creaking of steps in an old wooden house.
Magic is the history of each nation, Tarot cards on the table, a bag of runes, the Book of Shadows, the Bestiary, the phase of the moon.
Magic is fearless and intelligent women. Magic is honest and wise men.
Magic is respect and a feeling of love for everything.
Magic is ourselves.